


    Here are the most wanted teas from Nordqvist collection. Imaginative names tell their own exciting story. Jump in the magic world!

    Blend No 1 - Black tea 80 g
    Blend No 1 - Black tea 80 g
    Munt Chocolade thee 80 g NIEUW - Thee
    Mint Chocolate 80 g
    Munt Chocolade thee NIEUW - Thee
    Mint Chocolate

    Munt met rijke chocolade

    Tea Heaven - Black tea
    Tea Heaven - Black tea

    An assortment of 4 black teas

    Africa Rooibos
    Africa Rooibos

    Assortment of four flavored rooibos teas.

    Caribische zon
    Caribische zon

    Zwarte thee met Caribische smaken

    Nippon Green
    Nippon Green

    Green tea with strawberry, lemon & vanilla

    Caraïbische Zon 80g - Losse Thee
    Caribbean Sun 80 g

    Zwarte thee met Caribische smaken

    Nippon Green 100g - Loose Leaf Tea
    Nippon Green 100 g