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Moomin delicious!
A wonderful organic experience, full of taste and natural woods flavour. Highly recommendable

God smak
This is my favorite! The aroma is so delicious!

Great tea that's hard to get in the US. Happy to have it!

I got it... sent to me here in the US! I initially fell in love with this Moomin Tea while in Finland as a writer in residence. Of course I could not find it anywhere in the states when I returned... but found it online here at Nordqvist. And it was/is (as I'm still working my way through the tea,) worth the shipping cost! ;) -Venus de Mars

Smell so good!
I tried this flavour for the first time after opening the little moomin sampler also available in the shop. And I loved it! It smells so good! And really strong, but the flavour is mild. It's perfect after a long day, paired with a cookie.