Certifications reflecting our mission



Certifications are a way of recognising the quality and responsibility of products, and acknowledging the work that has gone into them. Certificates are  globally recognized labels with their own criteria. For example, with an organic label, you know immediately that marked product is made from natural ingredients.

Certificates help consumers to identify responsible products. At the same time, they give value to the company's activities and manufactured products. All Nordqvist teas carry a wide range of certificates which are explained below.


Fairtrade is a globally used certification that aims to promote more responsible trade and more humane farming. The aim is to protect and improve workers' wages and working conditions. Important values aim to end child labour and forced labour.

Fairtrade supports and challenges businesses and governments and connects farmers and workers with the people who buy their products. By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions. A product with the Fairtrade Mark means producers and businesses have met internationally agreed standards which have been independently certified.

Farmers and workers have a strong voice at every level of Fairtrade, from how they invest in and run their local organizations to having an equal say in Fairtrade’s global decision-making.

At Nordqvist, the focus is on responsible products as several products carry the Fairtrade label. Our Nature Tea -range is produced entirely in accordance with Fairtrade principles and in addition its organic.

See the Fairtrade website.



The Rainforest Alliance was founded over 30 years ago with the aim of promoting sustainable development. This includes caring for people and nature and building a more sustainable economy. In particular, forest conservation and adaptation to climate change are part of the organisation's values.

The Global Rainforest Alliance is a non-profit organisation and therefore looks at companies on a neutral basis. It awards Rainforest Alliance Certificates to products that show that they have been produced in a way that protects farmers' health, their livelihoods, their land and the surrounding waters. Success is assessed annually, so the certification is always up to date.

Nordqvist is working for more sustainable tea. In autumn 2022, 95% of the tea and rooibos we use was Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade certified. 

See the Rainforest Alliance website.




Organic farming is defined as all farming done without pesticides and chemical fertilisers. Chemical-free means taking care of the land, the farmers and, of course, the people who eat the product - or, in the case, who drink the tea. Organic farming combines the best environmental production methods, high standards of animal welfare, and consumer demand for high quality and natural products.

Organic farming has encouraged people to learn about their local environment and to develop farming methods to suit those conditions. For example, local insects can be used to help protect plant growth naturally. Organic farming also has less impact on soil and water.

The organic logo gives a coherent visual identity to EU produced organic products sold in the EU. This makes it easier for EU based consumers to identify organic products.

The organic logo can only be used on products that have been certified as organic by an authorised control agency or body. This means that they have fulfilled strict conditions on how they are produced, transported and stored.

Nordqvist offers a wide range of organic teas. The Nature Tea -range is entirely produced according to organic principles. The whole range is inspired by the healing and refreshing effects of nature, in terms of taste and packaging.




FSSC 22000 is an international certification scheme that helps companies to ensure food safety. The FSSC 22000 certificate contains a broad set of criteria that Nordqvist as a company fulfils.

We put a lot of effort into the quality of our products and packaging, as well as our production processes. Product safety is monitored on a daily basis and is continuously improved. We implement a policy of continuous improvement in both product quality and food safety, so that our customers can always enjoy high quality and food safe tea.




Oiva is a publication system for food-control inspection information coordinated by the Finnish Food Authority. In the Oiva system, the company’s food safety, such as food hygiene and product safety, is evaluated using emoticons. The Oiva system makes the inspection procedures more uniform, because the food inspectors around Finland conduct the inspection in accordance with the same Oiva evaluation guidelines. Front-page - Oivahymy


Suomen Asiakastieto Oy


Strongest in Finland Platinum

Strongest in Finland A company that has achieved the Strongest in Finland certificate creates power for the Finnish economy now and in the future. The certificate is a sign of the company’s positive financial figures, creditworthiness, background history and good payment behaviour. The Strongest in Finland certificate tells customers, partners, credit providers and other stakeholders that cooperation with the company is built on a strong foundation. The certificate is based on the Rating Alfa classification by Suomen Asiakastieto.

Frontpage - Suomen Asiakastieto Oy