Black tea

Black tea


    Black tea is the absolute favourite of Finnish people. Tea leaves are rolled and their natural fermentation is being advanced. Thus, black tea is a fully fermented tea variety. Our selection includes various flavoured and unflavoured black tea varieties.

    The Remarkable Benefits of Black Tea

    Finlandia Tea
    Finlandia Tea

    Black tea with natural blueberry flavours

    Tea Heaven - Black tea
    Tea Heaven - Black tea

    An assortment of 4 black teas

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    Mint Chocolate

    Munt met rijke chocolade

    Munt Chocolade thee 80 g NIEUW - Thee
    Mint Chocolate 80 g
    Moomin Sweet Heart 100 g NEW
    Moomin Sweet Heart 100 g NEW
    Caribische zon
    Caribische zon

    Zwarte thee met Caribische smaken
